Unity Quaternion and Rotation: A Guide for Beginners

Quaternions may sound complex, but in Unity, they’re simply another data type, much like Vector3, employed to define the revolution of a game object. In this tutorial, we’ll dive into the world of quaternions, exploring their effective application for object rotation in Unity. Plus, we’ll demystify how to achieve object revolution without the need for quaternions.

What is a Quaternion in Unity? 

In Unity, a quaternion (Q) is a vital mathematical data type employed for depicting 3D revolutions or orientations within the game environment. While Euler angles rely on three values (like pitch, yaw, and roll) to express revolutions, quaternions use four values (x, y, z, and w), providing a more efficient and less susceptible-to-gimbal-lock way to represent revolution.

Here is a more detailed explanation:

  • Quaternion: A Q is typically represented as (x, y, z, w), where (x, y, z) denotes the 3D vector indicating the axis of revolution, while “w” signifies the degree of rotation about that axis. This combination facilitates seamless 3D revolutions without the issues linked to Euler angles.
  • Efficiency in Rotations: Quaternions offer a distinct advantage by circumventing Gimbal Lock, an Euler angle limitation that can lead to the loss of one degree of freedom in certain rotations. Qs steer clear of this problem, rendering them an excellent choice for representing and interpolating revolutions in three-dimensional space;
  • Combining Rotations: Quaternions excel in effortlessly combining multiple rotations. This capability proves invaluable in 3D graphics and game development scenarios, where it’s often necessary to apply various transformations to an object, such as combining a character’s head motion with its body motion;
  • Interpolation: Quaternions shine when it comes to smoothly interpolating between two rotations. This functionality is vital for animations, camera movements, and other dynamic elements within the game;
  • Integration with Unity: Unity seamlessly incorporates quaternion support. Qs can be employed to define a game object’s revolution, smoothly transition between revolutions, and convert Qs to Euler angles when needed.

Quaternions in Unity are thus a robust and efficient way to represent 3D revolutions, making them a fundamental tool for creating realistic and accurate animations and interactions in the Unity game engine. Understanding how to work with quaternions is essential for any Unity developer working with 3D environments.

What is quaternion Euler Unity?

In Unity, “Quaternion.Euler” is a function used to create a Q revolution based on Euler angles. Euler angles are a more human-readable way of specifying rotations, using three values (often representing pitch, yaw, and roll) to determine the orientation of an object.

The Quaternion.Euler function takes three Euler angles (in degrees) as input and returns a Q representing the same revolution. This allows you to work with more intuitive Euler angles when specifying revolutions of game objects, while gaining computational advantages and avoiding the gimbal locking associated with Qs in real revolutions.

Here’s how Quaternion.Euler is typically used in Unity:

In this example, we create a rotation Q that represents a 45 degree rotation around the Y axis, and then apply it to a GameObject transformation. This is a simple way to use Euler angles to specify revolutions in Unity, with the base quaternion doing the actual revolution calculations.

Quaternion vs Euler Angles in Unity: A Detailed Comparison

When working with 3D rotations in Unity, you have two main options: Quaternions and Euler angles. Each has its advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one for a particular scenario is very important. Here is a detailed comparison:


  • Quaternion: Qs represent rotations using the four values (x, y, z, w), where (x, y, z) is a three-dimensional vector pointing along the axis of rotation and “w” is the amount of revolution about that axis. This representation is compact and avoids the problems of fixing the gimbal;
  • Euler angles: Euler angles represent revolution using three angles (often called pitch, yaw, and roll) that describe the orientation of an object with respect to its local axes (X, Y, Z). This representation is intuitive, but can lead to gimbal locking in some situations.

Gimbal Lock:

  • Quaternion: Quaternions are immune to gimbal locking, a situation where two of the three axes of rotation coincide, resulting in the loss of one degree of freedom. This makes Qs suitable for situations where gimbal locking must be avoided, such as in character animation;
  • Euler angles: Euler angles are prone to gimbal locking, which can lead to unexpected and undesirable behavior when two axes of revolution are aligned. This problem can be mitigated by using specific rotation orders (e.g. XYZ, YZX) or by converting Euler angles to quaternions if necessary.

Smooth Interpolation:

  • Quaternion: Qs are like the maestros of smooth revolution transitions in Unity. Thanks to Unity’s built-in Lerp (linear interpolation) and Slerp (spherical linear interpolation) functions, working with Qs becomes a breeze. These functions ensure your animations and rotation transitions are as graceful as a swan on a tranquil pond;
  • Euler Angles: Now, if you try to achieve the same level of smoothness with Euler angles, you might be in for a wild ride. Interpolating Euler angles can often lead to quirky, non-linear motions that can be, let’s say, a bit challenging to manage. You might even need some fancy, custom interpolation techniques to bring order to the chaos. In comparison, quaternions are your trusty path to revolution harmony in Unity.

Combining Rotations:

  • Quaternion: Qs are your go-to choice when it comes to the art of revolution composition. They’re like the magic wand for combining multiple rotations in Unity. Just multiply quaternions together, and voilà, you have consecutive rotations seamlessly orchestrated. This superpower is especially handy when you’re in the business of animating characters or any scenario where various transformations need to harmoniously come together;
  • Euler Angles: On the other hand, combining Euler angles can be a bit like juggling flaming swords while riding a unicycle—it’s complex and might result in inaccuracies. You’ll often need to convert Euler angles into Qs first, and this extra step can introduce unwanted intricacies and potential errors in your final combined revolution. Say hello to quaternions and wave goodbye to unnecessary complications.

Human Readability:

  • Quaternion: Quaternions are less intuitive to work with directly. Understanding their meanings in terms of visual orientation can be difficult without the use of visualization tools;
  • Euler angles: Euler angles are more human readable and easier to work with when specifying rotations by hand. They correspond to common concepts of revolution (pitch, yaw, roll).

Memory and Performance:

  • Quaternion: Qs use slightly less memory than Euler angles, since they require only four values. Quaternion operations are generally efficient, especially when using Unity’s built-in functions;
  • Euler angles: Euler angles require three values, which has a negligible impact on memory, but may be more intuitive for designers and artists. From a performance perspective, the difference between quaternions and Euler angles is usually not significant for most games.

The choice between Qs and Euler angles in Unity depends on your specific use case. Quaternions are preferred if you need precise and smooth 3D revolutions, want to avoid gimbal locking, or are working with complex animations. 

Euler angles offer a more intuitive way for humans to input rotations, but they demand careful handling to avoid gimbal locking and ensure seamless interpolation. Proficiency in both Euler angles and quaternions, as well as knowing when to employ each, is crucial for successful development within the Unity environment.

Creating a New Quaternion

To create a new Q in Unity, you must create a class object. The syntax is as follows:

  1. c#

Quaternion newRotation = new Quaternion();

When creating a new quaternion, you can set its value:

  1. c#

Quaternion newRotation = new Quaternion(0.9f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 1);

Alternatively, you can use Quaternion.Set:

  1. c#

newQuaternion.Set(0.9f, 0.5f, 0.6f, 1).

How to Rotate an Object in Unity

There are several ways to rotate an object in Unity:

  1. Revolution vs. rotate in Unity Quaternion. Often transform.rotation and transform.rotate are confused. They take different input values and produce different output values. transform.rotation takes a quaternion, while transform.rotate takes a vector3 with Euler angles. Use transform.rotation to specify the revolution of the game object and transform.rotate to rotate the object by a given angle;
  1. Rotate the object using Euler angles and transform.rotate. This method is usually used when you need to set revolution values manually. Use a Vector3 vector to store the desired revolution values for each axis and pass them to transform.rotate. For example, to rotate an object 10 degrees on each axis:

using UnityEngine;

public class Rotation_demo : MonoBehaviour
    Vector3 rot = new Vector3(10, 10, 10);

    void Start()
  1. Specifying the revolution of an object using a Q. Assigning a quaternion value directly to an object’s revolution can be tricky if you are unfamiliar with the concept. Make sure that none of the Q parameters are greater than 1; they must be in the range -1 to 1. Example code:

using UnityEngine;

public class lerp_demo : MonoBehaviour
    Quaternion rot = new Quaternion(0.4f, 0.5f, 0.9f, 1);

    void Start()
        transform.rotation = rot;
  1. Rotating an object using physics. When using physics in a game, it is important to use torque to rotate objects without violating physics. Torque is the revolutional equivalent of force. To apply torque in Unity, use the rigidbody.AddTorque command. Here’s an example:

using UnityEngine;

public class rotation_example : MonoBehaviour
    public float torque;
  public Rigidbody rig;

    void Start()
        rig = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();

    void FixedUpdate()
        rig.AddTorque(transform.up * torque);

Converting Vector3 to Quaternion

For those unfamiliar with Q values, Unity provides a way to convert Euler angles stored as Vector3 to quaternions. Example:


using UnityEngine;

public class rotation_demo : MonoBehaviour
    quaternion rot;

    void Start()
        rot.eulerAngles = new Vector3(45, 0, 90);


Converting Quaternion to Vector3

Similarly, you can convert a Q to a vector3 using Euler angles. Extract the Euler angles from the Q and set them in vector3. Example:


using UnityEngine;

public class rotation_demo : MonoBehaviour
    quaternion rot;

    void Start()
        rot.eulerAngles = new Vector3(45, 0, 90);


Rotating by One Degree Every Frame

You can rotate the object by 1 degree each frame using a vector3 with all values of the three axes set to 1. Use this vector3 as Euler angles and rotate the object. Example:


using UnityEngine;

public class rot_demo : MonoBehaviour
    Vector3 rot = Vector3.one;

    void Update()


Rotating an Object Around a Point

To rotate an object around a specific point and axis, use transform.RotateAround. Example:


using UnityEngine;

public class move_around : MonoBehaviour
    public GameObject sphere;
    float angular_speed = 20f;

    void Update()
        transform.RotateAround(sphere.transform.position, Vector3.up, angular_speed * Time.deltaTime);

Rotating an Object to Look in a Particular Direction Using Quaternion.LookRotation

The Q class in Unity includes a LookRotation function to make an object look in a certain direction. To do this, you need to specify a direction and an up axis for revolution. Example:


using UnityEngine;

public class LookRotClass : MonoBehaviour
    public Transform cube;

    void Update()
        Vector3 lookDir = cube.position - transform.position;
        Quaternion rot = Quaternion.LookRotation(lookDir, transform.up);
        transform.rotation = rot;


Rotating a 2D Object in Unity

Rotating a 2D object in Unity is similar to rotating a 3D object. Make sure you know around which axis you want to rotate the object. Example:


using UnityEngine;

public class Rotation_demo : MonoBehaviour
    Vector3 rot = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

    void Update()

Reset Rotation Using Quaternion.identity

Quaternion.identity represents zero revolution on all axes. It is commonly used to reset the rotation of an object in Unity. This is equivalent to setting the Q value (0, 0, 0, 0, 1) for a GameObject. To reset the revolution of a GameObject, assign transform.rotation to a Quaternion.identity value. Example:


using UnityEngine;

public class rotation_example : MonoBehaviour
   Vector3 rot = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);

    public void On_button_press()
        transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;

This function can be assigned to a UI button to reset the revolution if necessary.

Video Tutorial

For a visual guide to using the Q for revolution in Unity, check out our video tutorial.

This complete tutorial should help you understand and effectively use the Q for rotations in Unity, whether you are a beginner or want to improve your skills.



In this comprehensive tutorial, we embark on a journey through the fascinating realm of Unity quaternions and Eulerian angles. Buckle up as we uncover their distinctions, discover their practical applications, and pinpoint the ideal scenarios for each:

  • Quaternions Unleashed: Qs emerge as the undisputed champions when it comes to elegantly representing 3D revolutions in Unity. They wield precise control, deftly sidestepping notorious issues like gimbal lock, and truly shine in the domains of animations and dynamic transformations;
  • Euler Angles’ Intuitive Appeal: Euler angles, on the other hand, resonate with our human sense of intuition. They speak the language of pitch, yaw, and roll, making them an artist’s and designer’s best friends;
  • Rotation Juggling: Qs take center stage for their unmatched skill in deftly combining multiple revolutions one after the other. This superhero trait makes them indispensable for intricate animations and character movements. Need to translate Euler angles into Qs for such maneuvers? We’ll show you how;
  • Seamless Interpolation: Quaternions take the crown once more when it comes to delivering silky-smooth interpolation between revolutions. With Unity’s Lerp and Slerp functions, they make animations and transitions look effortlessly natural;
  • Steering Clear of Gimbal Lock: Qs inherently dodge gimbal locking, ensuring rock-solid revolution in diverse scenarios. Euler angles, meanwhile, can hit a roadblock when two revolution axes align;
  • Human Readability vs. Computational Efficiency: Euler angles win in the human readability department, but they might take a bit of a hit when it comes to computational efficiency. Quaternions, conversely, boast computational prowess but sacrifice a touch of human intuitiveness;
  • Memory and Performance: Qs tend to be slightly more memory-efficient than Euler angles, but in most gaming situations, the performance disparity is minimal.

In the grand arena of Unity, the choice between quaternions and Euler angles hinges on your specific needs. Qs reign supreme in scenarios demanding precise and fluid 3D revolutions. Conversely, Euler angles offer a user-friendly route for specifying rotations.

Mastering the art of these two revolution paradigms is pivotal for thriving in Unity. Whether you’re crafting lifelike animations or forging interactive 3D realms, your command over revolutions will determine your capacity to craft captivating and immersive experiences.