Animation plays a pivotal role in modern game development, breathing life and personality into your game worlds. Unity’s Animation system equips developers with a versatile toolkit to infuse vitality into their gaming creations. Whether you’re embarking on your animation journey or seeking to deepen your expertise, this comprehensive guide will walk you through the fundamental aspects.
Understanding Unity Animation and Animator Controller
In the realm of Unity animation, two key terms often arise Animation and Animator Controller. Before diving into creating animations, it’s crucial to grasp these concepts.
- In Unity, “Animation” refers to any visual action tied to a game object;
- This can encompass movements, transformations, and even sprite changes;
- Animations are often saved as ‘.anim’ files and can be created directly in Unity or imported from external software.
Animator Controller:
- The “Animator Controller” is the control center for animations;
- It enables you to manage when and how animations play;
- Think of it as the conductor orchestrating the performance of your animations.
Creating Animation Clips in Unity
Before you can animate an object, you need an Animation Clip. Unity’s Animation system allows you to create or import these clips, which serve as the building blocks for your animations.
- Select the Object: Begin by selecting the object you want to animate within Unity’s Hierarchy;
- Access Animation Window: Go to ‘Window’ > ‘Animation’ > ‘Animation’ or simply press ‘Ctrl+6’;
- Creating a New Animation: In the Animation timeline window, click ‘Create’ to make a new animation;
- Record and Animate: With your animation clip set up, click the record button (red circle) and start animating by moving the object to the desired positions;
- Fine-tune with Curves: Refine the animation using animation curves under the ‘Curves’ tab for smoother motion.
Animator State Machines in Unity
An Animator State Machine controls how and when Animation Clips are played. Unity automatically attaches an Animator component to your game object when you create a new animation, allowing you to define states and transitions.
Playing an Animation Clip:
- If you have a single animation clip, attach the Animator component and Unity will play it automatically;
- For multiple clips, set up transitions in the Animator window.
Setting Default States:
- The orange-colored state in the Animator is the default, playing when the game starts;
- Right-click on a state and select ‘Set as default’ to change it.
Conditions for Animation Transitions:
- Transitions can be conditioned based on parameters;
- Create parameters (float, int, bool, trigger) in the Animator to control transitions.
Playing Animations from Scripts in Unity
To animate objects through scripts:
- Create a variable of type Unity Animator;
- Get the Animator component with GetComponent;
- Set parameters using SetFloat, SetInt, SetBool, or SetTrigger.
For instance, to set a float parameter named ‘myFloat’ to 3.5:
Animator anim;
void Start() {
anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
anim.SetFloat("myFloat", 3.5f);
Looping, Speed Adjustment, and Randomization
Looping an Animation:
- Select the animation clip and check the ‘Loop Time’ parameter in the inspector.
Speed Adjustment:
- You can change animation speed globally or adaptively:
- Globally: In the Animator window, set the ‘Speed’ parameter.
- Adaptively: Create a float variable and link it to animation speed based on the character’s movement speed.
Randomizing Animations:
- You can play animations randomly or start them at random frames;
- Use scripts to set random parameters for animation selection and playback.

Comparison Table
Parameter | Unity Animation | Unity Animator Controller |
Definition | It is a specific animation action or clip applied to an object in Unity. | It is a component that controls when and how animations are played on an object. |
Creation | Animations can be created directly in Unity or imported from other applications. | Created as part of an Animator Controller, which is then applied to an object. |
Animation Timing | Timing is managed directly within the clip. | Timing and transition conditions are managed within the Animator Controller. |
Multiple Animations | Each clip represents a separate animation action. | Can manage multiple animation clips and their transitions. |
Playing Animations from Scripts | To play animations from scripts, use Animation.Play(). | To play animations from scripts, use parameters within the Animator Controller. |
Animation Speed Adjustment | Animation speed can be customized independently for each clip. | Animation speed is adjusted globally for the entire controller. |
Conditional Transitions | Does not support conditional transitions between animations. | Supports conditional transitions based on parameters. |
Complex Animations | Limited in handling complex animations. | Allows for the creation of complex animations with transitions between states. |
This table should help you better understand the differences between Unity Animation and Unity Animator Controller and choose the suitable tool for your project.
Video Explanation
In order to explain this topic in more detail, we have prepared a special video for you. Enjoy watching it!
In the dynamic world of Unity game development, mastering the intricacies of animation is essential. Understanding the nuances between Unity Animation and Unity Animator Controller can significantly impact the quality and efficiency of your game’s animation system.
Unity Animation serves as the foundation for individual animation clips. It allows you to create and import animations, adjusting their timing, speed, and transitions. This level of granularity can be ideal for simple animations but may fall short when dealing with complex character movements and interactions.
Enter Unity Animator Controller—a versatile tool that orchestrates the symphony of animations in your game. By offering the ability to manage multiple animation clips, conditional transitions, and complex state machines, it empowers developers to create lifelike character movements and interactive gameplay experiences.
While Unity Animation is perfect for standalone animations, Unity Animator Controller shines when you need seamless transitions, conditional logic, and fine-tuned control over animations. It’s the go-to choice for creating character behaviors, such as switching between walking, running, and jumping based on player input.
In conclusion, both Unity Animation and Unity Animator Controller have their unique strengths. Your choice should depend on your project’s complexity and requirements. Whether you’re crafting a casual mobile game or an immersive AAA title, mastering these animation tools is your key to bringing characters and objects to life in the Unity game engine.